49. Special Announcement
Just checking in! We will be switching our show format to every two weeks. Fear not, we'll be back in your ears with great content after the holiday break and what is hopefully a short recovery from surgery. Until next time!
Hello, everyone. We're doing something a little bit
Unknown:different over the next two weeks, I am actually out getting
Unknown:ACL surgery. And in light of that and to give me some time to
Unknown:recover, we'll be releasing episodes every two weeks instead
Unknown:of every week. Still have interviews coming at you. I
Unknown:still have content I want to get out to you, but it's just gonna
Unknown:take me a little bit to recover. I hope everyone has a fantastic
Unknown:holiday season. Please enjoy the Thanksgiving time spent with
Unknown:friends and family. This is actually my favorite time of the
Unknown:year. I'm a little bit sad to be getting surgery but honestly
Unknown:happy that it's during a time when I can just lay around and
Unknown:eat food and hopefully recover very well. Hope everyone has a
Unknown:fantastic November and start to their December. I hope everyone
Unknown:can finish the year 2022 strong. I will be around in your ears
Unknown:for a little bit, but just less often than usual. I look forward
Unknown:to being back with you in full force after the New Year. I will